We must stay together at home
and then
it will be all right !!!
1st- There is a video about emotions (Mirau el video de les emocions)
2nd -Sing the song ... " If you are happy ... "
(Mirau i cantau la cançó ‘ If you’re happy...’)
3rd - Two interactive activities . Check your answers !(Feis aquestes dues activitats interactives. En acabar podeu comprovar les respostes.)
Escoltar i posa el dibuix que toca.
Escolta i marca la cara correcta.
4th- Draw yourself and your family ... Use emotions and feelings to draw your faces and body to express them !!
(Pinta la teva familia i a tu. Que se vegin les emocions i sentiments a la cara i al cos per expressar-los)
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